About Grampian Pride®

Grampian Pride® is brought to you by Four Pillars LGBT+ Charity. We aim to bring the local and wider community together, welcoming everyone from North East Scotland, the rest of the UK, and international communities. Grampian Pride® provides a safe space for all LGBT+ people and their straight allies. The Pride event will consist of a march, various stalls, information about LGBT+ organisations and services, entertainment, key speakers, safe spaces, and a family area.

Grampian Pride® Attendance record:

  • 2018, 3,000+ people
  • 2019, 6000+ people
  • 2022, 8,000+ people
  • 2023, 8,500+ people
  • 2024, will you be there on 25th May 2024?

Grampian Pride main sponsors 2024