We at Four Pillars take hate crime of any form very seriously and we will do everything we can to help you report any incidents or targeted incidents to the appropriate authorities.

If you have been targeted because of your disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity, or you are aware of someone else being targeted, you can report it to us or Police Scotland.

Reporting hate crime is important. If you report the incident, we work with Police Scotland to deal with it, we can try to prevent the same thing happening to someone else and together we can aim to get Scotland hate free.

We are committed to dealing with hate crime and take all reports of hate crime seriously.

For some people they do not feel comfortable reporting Hate Crime matters directly to the Police and may be more comfortable reporting it to someone they are familiar with, so you can report any Hate Crime that you have experienced  or have witnessed to us.

To ensure everyone is able to report Hate Crimes, the team at Four Pillars have been trained by Police Scotland to become a 3rd Party Reporting Centre. We are able to submit a report to Police Scotland with you or we can make such a report on your behalf.


Watch our very own Customer Relations Manager, Deejay Bullock, in the Q&A conversation with Police Scotland’s, Sgt Trisha MacLean.

You can report hate crime: