Grampian Pride® is totally run by volunteers and we need YOUR help to make it happen!
It’s not just rewarding but exciting and extremely important too! Help us make a fantastic Pride event for the entire community and get those warm fuzzy feelings knowing that you’ve helped to make it happen!
We’ve all been working really hard to build an event we can all be proud of, and we want to keep Grampian Pride® a totally free event for everyone to attend, ensuring we reach those who need Pride the most and engage with wider communities.
Some Example Volunteer Positions:
Parade Steward: The Parade is expected to attract 5000+ people, so we need volunteer stewards to help keep everybody safe and keep the parade moving.
Pride Village Stewards: Help us collect vital donations that keep Pride going and help swap tickets for wristbands.
Runners: Help set up the parade and the Village, and generally help make sure that we are all ready on the day!
Litter Collection: This is the most important job, keeping the grounds clear and safe for all at Grampian Pride®.
In return for your amazing help, you will:
Receive free training in advance of the event;
Gain the experience of being involved in a large event;
Be fed and watered throughout the day for FREE;
Get free tickets (for yourself and a guest) to the EXCLUSIVE Grampian Pride VIP After-Party!
For more information, please email volunteer@grampianpride.org. To sign up, please fill in your details below, and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.